Clishmaclaver (Newsletter)
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Welcome to the CDSUM Membership Site!
You are important to us! Your participation, advice, opinions, and communications are essential to our continued existence and growth. Your membership dues ensure the Clan Donnachaidh tent is able to be present at the Scottish Highland Games in states we represent where we greet our members, introduce ourselves to new kith and kin, and are able to stay in touch with our members through our newsletter, The Clishmaclaver. If you’re not currently a member please consider doing so. Scottish heritage is something to be proud of and our members can fill you in with the rich heritage (while sipping on some scotch). Please join as at an event near you to find out more!
Become A Member!
Membership fees have not increased since 2001! You can choose between single or family memberships and between 1 or 3 year terms.
1 Year Single – $20
3 Year Single -$50
1 Year Family – $35
3 Year Family – $90
CDSUM/Member Merchandise
Buy or sell gently used quality clothes, weapons, and other items. All items are sold by members and a portion of the sales go to CDSUM, helping us maintain our great heritage.