Clan Donnachaidh Membership
Your membership dues are what we use to fund the cost of clan tent spaces at the Games. For instance one event could cost over $100 to cover just the tent space and tables needed. Additionally we have tents, flags, books, newsletter, and website fees that need to be covered. We could never reach people without you!
What do you get?
Your membership will give you additional access to news, special events, and voting rights on council members/events fundraising etc. You will be able to view the member directory online and access additional material not open to the public. Members also have the ability to sell their merchandise online in our eCommerce store. Not only that, but it gives you the right to pull up a chair next to the tent and say “halo” (pronounced hal-lo), and learn more about the clan and your heritage. We always have a good selection of drinks and food and are one of the most hospitable groups at the events!
How to Join
Please fill out the below information to become a member at CDSUM. Only Email is required. Additional information can be hidden from other members by editing your profile. No information with us will be shared with any other parties!